Over 150 messages
Over 100 hours to follow
All this somehow plan
Since I typically work from 10 AM until 11 PM, that's a 13-hour workday. To complete all these tasks, it would take at least 11 days. However, I also need to account for breaks, meals, household tasks, desk preparations for appointments, personal care, and my essential 8 hours of sleep. I also value spending time for my mind and with family and friends.
Sou lues a lues normal
Also, all dës Aufgaben ofzeschléissen géif ongeféier 2-3 Wochen daueren. Awer dës Berechnung iwwerhëlt keng nei Rendez-vousen, keng nei Messagen a keng onerwaart Ënnerbriechungen, wat onméiglech ass. Am Duerchschnëtt kréien ech 20-40 nei Messagen all Dag,
But I am having fun
I don't mind having a lot to do; I enjoy using my free time to help people and build PCs while learning new things. However, it's currently overwhelming, and Christmas is just around the corner. This is why you might hear me say I'm available to help but then experience delays in my responses. This is not my usual work pace.